Congratulations! Someway somehow you’ve found your way to this treasure trove of fashion knowledge.
You’re probably asking what even is fashion in 2025.
You’re probably being overwhelmed by mass media and the latest fast fashion trend being cycled on billboards and pixelated screens.
You’ve shopped at SHEIN and probably heard you shouldn’t.
You’ve thirted amazing staples based on a close friend’s suggestion.
Most importantly you’ve at some point put your pants on one leg at a time.
Regardless of your current relationship with fashion, I hope you can follow me along this journey of fashion literacy where I break down the complex language and jargon to help you understand the what, how, and why of apparel.
First Lesson. Where can I get more unique and ”WOW“ pieces in my wardrobe for less?
How do I thrift more effectively?
If you want fast fashion pieces but don’t want to continue contributing to the industry. There is lots of fast fashion being resold online and in stores. One of my favorite stores is Plato’s Closet. Stores like this are definitely more geared towards people aged 11-29, who want cute and trendy clothing at cheaper prices. Similar stores include Sophie’s Closet, Clothes Mentor, Uptown Cheapskate, and Vestiaire Collectives. Even if you don’t have these exact stores near you, look for stores that look like they match your aesthetic. Ask yourself what this brand and organization is trying to tell me. What clothes do they look like they would keep in stock? If you understand marketing, you’ve already become 10 times better the consumer than you were before.
Some of you might not be here yet and that’s alright. I’m going to be breaking down how to not be overwhelmed while shopping at certain stores in another post.
I don’t want to thrift: If you don’t want to thrift, that’s completely understandable. This is where I suggest “Off-Price Department Stores.” The items that come to these stores, are overflow from over and mass production because even though it is possible to predict and project a means of continuous sustainable production: big corporations do not do that.
TL:DR: The clothes are just as good as Ralph Laurens must-buy’s.
Store like this include :
Ross! (Love Ross)
Any TJX Company Chain
Marcy’s ✨ Backstage ✨
Target (Special Mention)
The clothing and Apparel industry is arguably one of the biggest industries in the world. We all need food, shelter, water and clothing. It can be challenging during these times to be able to acquire all your needs and wants in an age where it seems each decision can be life and death or if you get stuck in an unrelenting cycle of confusion. My main goal is for us as a community to gain the knowledge we need to be more informed.
Please comment, share or if you really felt truly and utterly uninspired leave a scathing message.
Have a Verily great day! 😄